A founder says goodbye

Tal Zlotnitsky
4 min readMar 15, 2021


After a decade as founder & CEO of iControl Data Solutions, Tal J. Zlotnitsky says goodbye to employees, customers and friends and shares the path ahead.

To my fellow iControllers, to our customers, to my friends far and wide!

It’s with a full heart, and lots and lots of love for each and every one of my employees, that I write to you to explain my decision to leave the CEO position at iControl in order to start a new business.

The past year has been a challenge for mankind, and we had some difficult moments of our own at iControl, both as a result of and independently of Covid. To top it off, one of my children experienced a significant health event, and a dear, very close relative was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

The challenges, both near and far, served to help me reflect on where I am in my life, and what I would still like to accomplish while I’m at or near the top of my game. I thought a lot about my legacy. I resolved to do two things. The first was to get iControl back on its feet. The second: Once iControl was stable and positioned for growth again, I would leave and go pursue a bold dream.

I am proud, relieved and gratified that iControl is on solid footing. The company’s cash position is stronger than it has been in years. We completed an Annual Operating Plan that is achievable and will lead iControl’s business to grow again, just as it had every year until 2019. There are capable and talented people in the boardroom and in senior management, and of course on­ staff. There are crackling-hot opportunities in B2B payments and POS analytics, and iControl is positioned well to take advantage of them.

The decision to leave was entirely mine, and is absolutely no reflection on iControl’s prospects, capital partners, and certainly not its employees. I am still a major shareholder.

The timing was simply right.

So, what’s next for me? I’m starting a relationship wellness technology company and I’m planning to name the company Our Love Company, with products names to be disclosed soon! (updated March 24)

Why? Because I believe that loving better, and being loved better, are basic human aspirations and basic human rights. A professional survey I commissioned showed that over 80% of Americans say that loving their spouse more and better, and being loved by their spouse more and better, are among their top 3 priorities. For nearly 60%, it is the top priority.

We all want better.love and we all deserve better.love (TM)!

It’s the how part that’s hard.

I have a unique idea for how to approach this challenge, and I have already begun attracting incredible people to the mission. Along with a couple of fellow investors, I am putting my own money to stand it up initially but we will be raising capital before too long.

Am I excited? Heck yes, I’m excited! But it doesn’t mean that leaving was easy! Leading iControl and its people has been the most incredible professional privilege of my life thus far, and I will always cherish it. Like many companies iControl’s size, progress wasn’t always even. Yet whether the sun was shining, or the sky appeared to be falling, I always knew that I could count on the team to do its collective best; to take care of our customers; and to support each other. Whether the going was great or rough, I tried to demonstrate transparency and love. That should and will continue with Matt as the CEO.

To iControl employees: You know Matt. You know his character, his heart, his passion for our customers. He deserves your support. If you want to honor me, circle the wagons around Matt. With him in charge, the company will be more than okay, you will be more than okay. And I, also, will be more than okay.

If any of you wish to stay in touch please do. I’d love to hear about your life’s celebrations for many years to come.

With gratitude and friendship —

Tal J Zlotnitsky

About iControl

iControl is the only B2B payments provider with the capability to manage the facilitation of Alcohol payments between Retailers/Restaurants and Distributors (regulated commerce), while also having the ability to manage a Retailers Scan Based Trading program. As a leader in process improvement, payment settlement, and collaborative business intelligence solutions, iControl’s software and support enable the food, drug, convenience, and restaurant value chain to improve performance and reduce costs through electronic collaboration. With a network of over 40,000 retail outlets, and over 3,500 distributors and manufacturers in all 50 states, iControl processes and remits billions of dollars on behalf of Clients each year. iControl has recently launched a breakthrough product innovation; OPBev, that provides visibility to On-Premise consumption data that has historically been impossible to see and interpret in real time. For more information about iControl, visit www.icontroldata.net.



Tal Zlotnitsky
Tal Zlotnitsky

Written by Tal Zlotnitsky

Tal J Zlotnitsky is a serial entrepreneur and activist currently on a quest to help couples the world over experience their best love

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