It’s Time for American Moderates to Unite and Form a New Party

Tal Zlotnitsky
4 min readNov 16, 2019


By Tal Zlotnitsky

An open letter to Heath Mayo and @principlesfirst

I believe the vision you outline in the incredible tweet thread — — you published this evening, is worth the fighting for.

[Coincidentally, I then happened to turn to the Bill Maher show and caught his wise, heartfelt, and occasionally hilarious exhortation to Americans of all political stripes to Let it Go and come together]

I’ve been a lifelong Democrat, a donor, active in progressive causes like Patriotic Millionaires. I’ve watched with angst as increasingly inflexible, self-righteous elements within the Democratic Party are vying to change it in a way I, and many like me, fear is too radical. As most people who have done well in America, I fervently believe — just as I know you do — in an America of equal opportunity, not equal outcome.

Perhaps most importantly for this moment — I have become absolutely certain that having balance in a democratic political system is critical to its sustenance and survival. It’s a truism: Balance is vital in practically all matters of significance. Without balance between our ears, for example, not a one of us can stand. Literally.

And neither can a republic.

We simply must restore balance to the American body politic.

It has dawned on me that perhaps my part is not only to partake in the resistance as modestly as I am able, but to lend a shoulder, and devote time and money, to help form the acceptable moderate alternative.

It seems like that means joining a new centrist party, if such a party is formed.

It is possible that, as you appear to intend, this new party may need to be referred to as a Conservative party, so principled people who consider themselves more conservative than progressive can join in peace.

But perhaps it shouldn’t be, and I call on you to be open-minded.


Because what I believe is most needed in this country today is not to reorganize the ragtag remnants of the classical Conservative moment, but to organize independents and unaffiliated Americans into a new moderate majority.

Those who’ve refused to commit must finally be convinced that —

They. Simply. Must. Choose. A. Side.

And by side I do not mean Democrat or Republican. That’s a false choice. No, what I mean is: for facts & truth — or for a farce.

For this reason, I believe a vast majority of the good and decent independents in America must be convinced — through every ethical and legal means necessary — to band together with other Americans who are 10 to 15 degrees to the right or left of them.

Those of us from one 30 yard line of political identification, through to the opposite 30 yard line — we represent a majority of the American people. Literally. Between the 30’s are 40 yards; forty in the middle, is more than 30 on either end.

We 40 Percenters (is that our name?) view ourselves as neither the silent majority nor the loud one, but simply the majority of Americans. We are neither victims, nor perpetrators. We are just good, fair, kind, truth & decency-loving people.

Fate and history are calling on us to take a small step to heal America. How? by joining a new, moderate political party.

The majority of the country is, in fact, moderate. It’s good men and women of all colors, all races, native born and new Americans, of all sexual orientations, which comes together to stand for incremental progress, for prudence, for respect. Respect for the truth, for expertise, for institutions, for the limits of government as well as the need to restrain capitalism. For the family whose definition does evolve just as nature evolves.

In a time of crisis, no one can be neutral — just as during war and in a foxhole, no person of good faith can be allowed to be a pacifist.

And don’t fool yourself. This is absolutely a war we are in; it is a war for small d democracy on whose principles our very way of life depends. Because above all other reasons, it has been small d democracy that’s chiefly the first accomplishment on whose shoulders the greatest and most rapid advancements in human civilization — from life span to quality of life, and the universal bend towards justice — have emerged.

Because the small step of joining the political party I just described is one all Americans of good faith should feel obliged to take.

Lastly: We must convince those with the means to help ensure our message is heard — Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, others of means and good faith from both sides — to help fund this effort.

Because this party I just described, is well worth investing in.

If this is the party you’re building, I want to be a part of it. I’m wealthy enough to help a little financially, and perhaps connected enough and motivated enough to help a lot more in other ways.

I will say this: In the interim, I’ll continue to also support Democrats. I hope that’s not a disqualification. I will do it, because we must defeat Trump and Trumpism — right now. But as we fight to do so, and most certainly on the day after, if it comes as we all hope, we’ll need what you’ve started building.

And I’d like to help.



Tal Zlotnitsky
Tal Zlotnitsky

Written by Tal Zlotnitsky

Tal J Zlotnitsky is a serial entrepreneur and activist currently on a quest to help couples the world over experience their best love

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